
Zheng Wang 王铮

Associate Professor, PhD Advisor
Institute of Cyber Science and Technology
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
Email: wzheng [AATTT] sjtu [DOT] edu [DOT] cn
Office: Room 504B, Micro-Nano Building

Short Biography I am an associate professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I received my PhD degree from Tsinghua University, where I was co-advised by Prof. Xiaojun Ye and Prof. Chaokun Wang. Before that, I obtained my bachelor degree and master degree from Beijing Jiaotong University, advised by Prof. Yao Zhao. During 2018-2021, I was as an assistant professor in Computer Science at USTB; I also was awarded as a "Macao Young Scholars Program" postdoctor advised by Prof. Zhiguo Gong during 2019.11-2021.08. I also work closely with Prof. Philip S. Yu (UIC).

*Hot   [招生] 以“AI+Data”为核心开展数据挖掘和数据库两个方向的研究,欢迎感兴趣的同学联系我~(更多)
*New   We released rLLM (relationLLM) , the world first algorithm library for Relational Table Learning with LLMs.
*New   Our method OGC [TNNLS24] has been officially recommended in the famous GNN libraries DGL and PyG.
*New   Our method LPSI [AAAI17] has been officially recommended in a very practical source detection library GraphSL.
*New   Our method RECT [TKDE21] has been officially recommended in the famous GNN libraries DGL and PyG.
*New   Tutorial on Zero-shot Graph Embedding given in International Young Scholars Forum at RUC is avaliable [slides].

Research Interests

My research focuses on data mining, deep learning, large model and database. I am equally interested in designing algorithms and systems with strong theoretical foundations and practical implementations for real-world use. Some current projects include:

  • rLLM (relationLLM), an easy-to-use Pytorch library for Relational Table Learning with LLMs.
  • Preprints

    Selected Publications (FULL)


    *2024-now: Feiyu Pan (PhD), Weichen Li, Ken Zhong

    *2023-now: Jianwu Zheng (PhD), Siyuan Zhao

    *2022-now: Zhichao Luo, Bowen Zhang, Jiacheng Wei

    *2019-now: Jialong Wang (PhD, UM) and Zhe Kan (PhD, SJTU)

    *2019-2021: Hongming Ding, Chengzuo Hu, and Ruihang Shao (graduate, USTB)

    *2018-2020: Jian Cui, Yingying Chen (graduate, USTB)

    Professional Services

    PC member/chair for:

  • WWW 2021/2022
  • ICDM 2022
  • Reviewer for:

  • TKDE 2018/2019/2021/2022/2023
  • WWW 2019/2021/2022
  • NeurIPS 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023
  • AAAI 2020/2021/2022/2023
  • IJCAI 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023
  • WWWJ 2023